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unauthorize(AuthenticationParameter) - Method in class service.tut.pori.users.facebook.FacebookUserService
This method allows a user to revoke the previously given authorization permissions.
unauthorize(AuthenticationParameter) - Method in class
This method allows a user to revoke the previously given authorization permissions.
unauthorize(AuthenticationParameter) - Method in class service.tut.pori.users.twitter.TwitterUserService
This method allows a user to revoke the previously given authorization permissions.
unmarshal(String) - Method in class core.tut.pori.utils.ISODateAdapter
UnmodifiableProperties - Class in
Implementation of an unmodifiable/immutable Properties class.
unmodifiableProperties(Properties) - Static method in class
wrap the properties object to unmodifiable properties
unregister(UserIdentity) - Static method in class service.tut.pori.users.UserCore
Remove the user from the system.
unregister(AuthenticationParameter) - Method in class service.tut.pori.users.UserService
This method will immediately revoke user login permissions for the authenticated user and schedule the removal of all content owned by the user.
update(MediaObjectList) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.MediaObjectDAO
update(MediaObjectList) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.PhotoDAO
Update the objects and sets all media types to MediaUrlValidator.MediaType.PHOTO for all objects with MediaUrlValidator.MediaType.UNKNOWN or null media type-
update(MediaObjectList) - Method in class
Update the objects and sets all media types to MediaUrlValidator.MediaType.VIDEO for objects with MediaUrlValidator.MediaType.UNKNOWN or null media type.
updateBackend(AnalysisBackend) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.BackendDAO
updates the details for the given backend
UpdateClause - Class in core.tut.pori.dao.clause
This class defines a single SQL update clause.
UpdateClause(String, Object, SQLClause.SQLType) - Constructor for class core.tut.pori.dao.clause.UpdateClause
updateEntries(List<PicasaCloudStorage.PicasaEntry>) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentstorage.PicasaDAO
This method will not abort on failure, all updated will be performed that are possible.
updateEntry(PicasaCloudStorage.PicasaEntry) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentstorage.PicasaDAO
updateIfNewer(MediaObjectList) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.MediaObjectDAO
updateMediaStatus(Collection<T>, Long) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.MediaTaskDAO
updatePhotos(UserIdentity, PhotoList) - Static method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.CAContentCore
This does NOT sync the changes back to content storage (e.g.
updatePhotos(AuthenticationParameter, InputStreamParameter) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.ContentAnalysisService
updatePhotos(UserIdentity, PhotoList) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.PhotoDAO
Update the photos only the given photos have newer timestamps than the ones in the database Note: media objects, if present on the photos, will be updated/inserted, old objects will never be removed (i.e.
updatePhotos(UserIdentity, PhotoList) - Static method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.reference.CAReferenceCore
updatePhotos(AuthenticationParameter, InputStreamParameter) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.reference.ClientService
The clients can use this method to update the details of photos.
updatePhotosIfNewer(UserIdentity, PhotoList) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.PhotoDAO
Update the photos only the given photos have newer timestamps than the ones in the database Note: media objects, if present on the photos, will be updated/inserted, old objects will never be removed (i.e.
updateTaskStatus(BackendStatusList, Long) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.TaskDAO
Update the given status list for the given task.
updateTaskStatus(BackendStatus, Long) - Method in class service.tut.pori.contentanalysis.TaskDAO
Update the given status for the given task.
URLContentDAO - Class in service.tut.pori.contentstorage
DAO used for storing and retrieving URL content.
URLContentDAO() - Constructor for class service.tut.pori.contentstorage.URLContentDAO
URLContentStorage - Class in service.tut.pori.contentstorage
Storage handler that supports saving arbitrary URLs to for the analysis.
URLContentStorage() - Constructor for class service.tut.pori.contentstorage.URLContentStorage
URLContentStorage(boolean) - Constructor for class service.tut.pori.contentstorage.URLContentStorage
URLContentStorage.URLEntry - Class in service.tut.pori.contentstorage
A URL entry.
urlEncodedCombinedNonce(String, String) - Static method in class service.tut.pori.users.UserCore
Combines nonce and redirectUri together for redirecting things after FB has responded
URLEntry(String, MediaUrlValidator.MediaType, String, UserIdentity) - Constructor for class service.tut.pori.contentstorage.URLContentStorage.URLEntry
UserAuthority - Class in core.tut.pori.users
utility class for creating user authorities, and converting role string to Authority objects.
UserAuthority() - Constructor for class core.tut.pori.users.UserAuthority
UserCore - Class in service.tut.pori.users
User Core methods.
UserCore.Registration - Class in service.tut.pori.users
User registration details.
UserCore.RegistrationStatus - Enum in service.tut.pori.users
The status of registration process.
UserDAO - Class in service.tut.pori.users
DAO for retrieving user details, and for creating new users.
UserDAO() - Constructor for class service.tut.pori.users.UserDAO
UserEvent - Class in core.tut.pori.users
Event class used for notifying changes in the user details.
UserEvent(Class<?>, UserIdentity) - Constructor for class core.tut.pori.users.UserEvent
UserEvent(Class<?>, UserIdentity, UserEvent.EventType) - Constructor for class core.tut.pori.users.UserEvent
UserEvent.EventType - Enum in core.tut.pori.users
Type of the event.
UserIdentity - Class in core.tut.pori.users
Details of a single user
UserIdentity(Long) - Constructor for class core.tut.pori.users.UserIdentity
UserIdentity() - Constructor for class core.tut.pori.users.UserIdentity
create an empty user identity
UserIdentity(String, Long, String) - Constructor for class core.tut.pori.users.UserIdentity
UserIdentityList - Class in service.tut.pori.users
List of users usable with Response.
UserIdentityList() - Constructor for class service.tut.pori.users.UserIdentityList
UserIdentityLock - Class in core.tut.pori.utils
Acquire a lock per-thread, per-user identity, multiple instance of this class will be entirely independent, and will NOT block each-other UserIdentityLock userIdentityLock = UserIdentityLock(); Usage: userIdentityLock.acquire(userId); try{ ...
UserIdentityLock() - Constructor for class core.tut.pori.utils.UserIdentityLock
UserService - Class in service.tut.pori.users
User Service method declarations.
UserService() - Constructor for class service.tut.pori.users.UserService
UserServiceEvent - Class in service.tut.pori.users
User Event with extensions for user service events.
UserServiceEvent(UserEvent.EventType, ExternalAccountConnection.UserServiceType, Class<?>, UserIdentity) - Constructor for class service.tut.pori.users.UserServiceEvent
UserServiceProperties - Class in service.tut.pori.users
Properties for User Service.
UserServiceProperties() - Constructor for class service.tut.pori.users.UserServiceProperties
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